Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki
Ancient Rostlandic Coin
A memento of times long past. A well-grounded antiquities collector might pay handsomely for it.
[Show Code]
Memento_RostlandCoin (c6affaa3e3661924689d5fe2f45793aa)
0.1 lbs. Sell: 50Coin
Buy: 200Coin

Ancient Rostlandic Coin is an Antique in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

A coin from a nonexistent country... When Choral the Conqueror mastered Rostland, having claimed it for Brevoy, he prohibited the issuance and use of such coins. Both ordinary folk and the Aldori Swordlords were required to use new coins, decorated with Choral's profile. But no one was quick to be rid of these prohibited coins, oh no... In many houses they still store boxes and whole chests of such coins, waiting for the day when Rostland declares its independence.
~ the Storyteller

Use[ | ]

Can be given to Storyteller for 200Coin each.
