Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki
"The Categories of Space and Time in the Classical Numerian Saga"
Text item
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"The Categories of Space and Time in the Classical Numerian Saga" is a Text item in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.

Text[ | ]

Author: Eobald the Insightful

Shrike Hills Publishing

"So the space and time in the Numerian sagas do not exist on their own, but are rather subject to the story, stretching and contracting according to its requirements. Beidra the Widow fights in Irrisen, then sends her troops to the Five Kings Mountains, and from there she goes to Iobaria — and during all this time, her son remains an infant, although these campaigns should have taken far more than one year. The image of the mother who crushes her enemies without taking the child from her breast is too important for the plot to sacrifice it to what we now call realism. When the time comes for young Rannad to join the battle, he grows up in just a few days..."

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Sold by Tessie the Quill.
